Identity Protection Tip of The Month

Be more vigilant during bad economic times - Typically, fraud tends to increase during declining economic times. When families struggle to meet the basic needs of their loved ones, sometimes, they're left with no option but to commit fraud. Most recently, credit card fraud to buy expensive gas and home rubbery using identities of city officials have increased dramatically as reported in the news. Make sure you avoid becoming an identity theft victim in these difficult times. Read the full article.

Recently Posted Article

Trusted Computer
The level of trust must be assessed when not using a trusted computer. Public computers can not be fully trusted, and some can be trusted more or less depending on your trust assessment.

Data Breach Notification
Following a personal information security incident, a consumer data breach notification is necessary to team up with customers and prevent or detect fraud.

Website Access
When using public computers for website access, you need to completely sign out to preserve your privacy and prevent unauthorized account modifications.

Limit Information Sharing
We must limit information sharing with others to prevent identity theft. Most often information is shared routinely and excessively without regard for identity theft risks.


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Also, don’t forget to read my reviews of some identity protection services and products available in the market today before you select and sign up for an identity protection service. You can find the reviews and information about third party solutions including enrollment discounts in the Services section.

Thank You and Be Identity Safe,
Henry Bagdasarian