Never Pay For Credit Reports

"Never Pay For Credit Reports" is one of the useful tips presented in the Identity Diet book. This guiding identity protection book provides a quick list of many identity theft lessons and identity protection tips some of which are extensively discussed on this website.

With the Identity Diet book, you have access to a great reference book for all your identity protection needs and the best part is it includes current laws and consumer rights, addresses new identity theft trends or threats, and offers identity protection principles and tips such as "Never Pay For Credit Reports". Specifically, this is a book to read before you sign up for an identity theft service thinking it can solve all your problems. The fact is not a single solution out there can solve all your identity theft problems alone. You must alter your behavior and leverage existing market solutions to effectively maximize your identity protection efforts.

We live in a world where the speed by which we collect, duplicate and share our personal information is accelerating at an alarming rate. This is all happening despite of our lack of understanding of the identity theft risks and emerging threats, knowledge of best actions to reduce identity theft risks, and awareness of our legal rights as consumers or identity protection services in the marketplace that can automate and maximize our identity protection efforts.

In the last few years and mainly due to the media hype as well as the reckless practices of some businesses which have led to record breaking consumer information loss, millions of individuals have signed up for identity protection services from an abundant list of identity protection advertisers and service providers. I mention media hype because although identity theft is a serious threat especially during downward economic times, statistically speaking, very few cases of lost consumer information by businesses lead to identity fraud. With regards to selection of identity protection services, the problem most often is that people don’t know exactly what services they should select for a comprehensive identity protection plan and solely rely on the advertisers to give them the necessary insight needed to select and sign up for their services. Well, as we all know, relying solely on the advertisers to learn about identity protection solutions or the usefulness of any other product or service for that matter, is not a very good idea as every marketer advertises its product or service to be the best and most comprehensive. Some service providers even lure consumers by offering free credit reports which consumers can get on their own as defined by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act or FACTA. This of course got my attention and became one of the tips in the Identity Diet book, "Never Pay For Credit Reports".

Many of underlying causes of identity theft are in our control and there is not a single product in the market today than can provide a comprehensive solution for identity theft. As individuals and owners of our identity components, we are responsible for careful handling and protection of one of our most precious assets. As such, we have to attempt to educate ourselves, become aware of the latest threats and solutions, and gain independent assessments and insights for selecting appropriate services. A comprehensive identity protection plan requires careful adjustment of our behavior with regards to our identity handling and selection of many complementary services which collectively provide integrated and comprehensive solutions.

Order the Identity Diet ebook and invest in your identity theft awareness, identity protection education, consumer rights, and available solutions to prevent identity theft and detect identity fraud. There are hundreds of free articles on this website to help you protect your identity and some of you may not have all the time you need to read, digest and put to good use the solutions presented on the site. That’s why I wrote the Identity Diet book to summarize all the identity protection tips for a quick read and point of reference, including the lesson to never pay for credit reports.

Before you sign up for a new identity theft service, read this book and learn to never pay for credit reports, better handle your personal information and select the most appropriate and complementary services to save money and implement the most comprehensive and balanced identity protection plan that’s right for you. The word "balanced" is a key term when managing risks in every aspect of your life or business. Not all risks can be eliminated nor do we want to eliminate all risks at all costs. We should carefully identify the risks, decide which risks we want to focus on and reduce, and select the best ways to reduce the risks while considering the costs. Order Now.

Note: The ebook is in PDF format and priced at $6.95. The purchased copy can be printed and shared within the same household but can not be distributed to others. For a multi-user license and discounts or to order hard copies of the book, please visit the Identity Diet website after reading "Never Pay For Credit Reports".